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WORLD FOOD DAY // This year #WorldFoodDay is all about working towards a more nourishing + sustainable food future as well as taking a moment to celebrate our #foodheroes – those that’ve produced, farmed, fished, harvested or transported the produce that arrives on our plates.⁠

So let’s get talking and help create a BUZZ. Hashtag the hell out of #WorldFoodDay and #FoodHeroes.⁠

Go in deep + check out @fao – their website is full of interesting + informative advice, so read up and see how you can make a positive impact. We strongly believe that every little decision counts and that by working together, we can achieve more – so let’s go, TEAM!⁠

Here’s how we are trying to making a positive impact:⁠

atis Food Ethos – we’re on a mission to get more people eating plant-powered food. It’s better for our planet, better for our health and super importantly, it’s nourishing and delicious. Read more about our food ethos here.

Seasonality + Locality – we change our menu on a seasonal basis. It not only tastes better, but it helps to reduce the carbon footprint of our menu. We get our fruit + veg locally where possible, working with a distributor who has access to a network of UK farmers.⁠

Sustainable Food choices – we make choices such as choosing Trout over Salmon. We get our trout from the guys @chalk_stream, their website has beautiful photos and detailed information as to why it’s the more sustainable choice.⁠

Diversity – we use a diverse range of produce across our menu. A diversity of food choices encourages a variety of foods to be produced, which in turn encourages biodiversity. So diversity not only means a healthier you, but a healthier planet too! ⁠

Our partners – we have partnered with our amazing friends Karma to join their mission of reducing food waste across the restaurant industry. We’re on a team with the Sustainable Restaurant Association who believe that eating out is good for everyone and has a restorative impact on the planet. We’re pals with City Pantry who shout about sustainability & run their initiative #FeedTheCommunity. We use First Mile for our waste management, who are zero-to-landfill and leaving a greener footprint on the planet by recycling their waste to the max. We work with London Bio Packaging to help us make sustainable packaging choices that are suitable for our product. What a team of people! We thank you all!⁠


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